A: To insure the accuracy of the scale, please follow the steps
1. With the scale in the OFF mode, press the POWER button.
Wait for the scale to stabilize before proceeding.
2. After the scale has stabilized, hold down the MODE (M)
button for about 3 seconds until CAL displays.
3. Press the CAL button again. The scale should flash “CAL”
a few times and then start flashing 500g on the display.
4. Place a 500g calibration weight on the platform while
being certain the scale is stable and until the display reads
PASS. Calibration is complete. Please contact your scale
supplier to order a 500g calibration weight. Note that 20
US nickels weighs 100g, so in case emergency calibration
is required, the scale may be calibrated with 100 nickels.
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Answer provided by: Michelle B. (4/13/2023)