
Moonlit Chain


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1) Cut about a 2" length from the wire spool and make a wrapped loop on one end. Slide on a pearl and then make a wrapped loop on the other side. Repeat this step with all but TWO of the pearls.

2) Cut about a 2" length from the wire spool and begin to make a wrapped loop on one end. Before closing the loop, attach the connector and then finish with your loop. Slide on a bicone, and then begin to wrap the other side. Before closing the loop, attach one of the wrapped pearls and then finish wrapping this loop.

3) Cut another length of wire and begin to create a wrapped loop, attaching to the other loop on the now attached wrapped pearl from step #2. Finish this wrapped loop and thread on a bicone. Begin to make another wrapped loop, attaching another wrapped pearl before closing the loop. Repeat this step of alternating between a wrapped bicone and wrapped pearl until you have a chain that is 17 beads long (9 bicones and 8 pearls ) BEFORE YOU FINISH YOUR VERY LAST WRAPPED LOOP on this portion of the necklace, attach the closed 6mm jump ring to the wrapped loop and then you can finish the wrapped loop.

4) Repeat steps #2 and #3 again to create the mirror half of this necklace. Keep in mind that when step #2 states to 'attach the connector', you'll instead attach the Lobster Claw Clasp.

5) Cut another length of wire off and make another wrapped loop, attaching it to the 6mm closed jump ring (between the two already attached bicones). Slide on a pearl and then make a wrapped loop with the other end.

6) Cut another length of wire off and make another wrapped loop, attaching it to the free loop from the previous step. Slide on the last bicone and then make a wrapped loop with the other end.

7) Cut the last (approx) 2" length of wire that you'll need and make a wrapped loop, attaching it to the free loop from the previous step. Slide on the last pearl and then begin to make the last wrapped loop, attaching it to the ice pick bail before you finish your wrapping.

To Finish.

8) Close the ice pick bail over the opening on the Swarovski pendant. Done!
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