
Presents Under the Tree


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1) Set up your loom for beadweaving. Thread 26 warp threads (of Nymo thread) onto the loom and secure tight for weaving. Measure out 2-3 yrds of Nymo thread again and secure this as your weft thread. Thread on a needle. (Please see the video listed above "Working with a Loom" if you have any questions.

2) Print out the beadwork pattern above and follow line by line with the appropriate number and color of beads. Work slowly and understand that this will take a couple of hours to finish. If you get tired, set your work down and come back to it when your refreshed. The video above also goes over what to do when you need to attach a new weft thread.

To Finish.
3) Take your work off the loom, and don't cut the warp threads off until you decide what to do. If you are going to make this a bracelet, or a decoration, please see the video "Working with a Loom" to see how to finish off the warp cords. If you're making a bracelet, use two of TC944 side by side (or another 9mm toggle clasp) to provide enough stability for both sides of this wide bracelet. You can make and ornament by securing the warp threads on the right and the left of the bracelet, and taking the middle warp threads and tying it to a length of ribbon. Tie the ribbon in a bow around one of the limbs on the tree to hide the warp threads. (Dipping the work in a little bit of floor wax will help out with making the work a little stiffer so that it doesn't fold onto itself. These are just a few suggestions, test out an idea that you have and see what you come up with.
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