
Three Pearl Earrings


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1) Take three EP335 and thread one AR4200 onto each. Take one of the eye pins and thread one PR8210 and another AR4200 onto it. Cut off all but 1/4" of the remaining wire with PL495. Create a loop with PL491 and attach to the end of one of the 6/8" lengths of CN137.

2) Take the second EP335 and thread one PR8213 and another AR4200 onto it. Cut off all but 1/4" of the remaining wire with PL495. Create a loop with PL491 and attach to the end of one of the 1 1/8" lengths of CN137.

3) Take the third EP335 and thread one PR8249 and another AR4200 onto it. Cut off all but 1/4" of the remaining wire with PL495. Create a loop with PL491 and attach to the end of one of the 1" lengths of CN137.

4) Open one JR405 with PL491 and PL490 and attach the three pearled lengths of CN137 onto it. Attach to the loop of BP405 and close the jump ring. Attach EN925 onto the post of BP405.

To Finish.
5) Repeat all steps to create the other earring.
How to directions
The description using product code numbers makes the directions hard to follow, especially when there is no list showing what items are what codes!
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Reviewed by:  from Mass. on 4/18/2018
Directions Are not Helpful
Earrings are pretty, but instructions make it more difficult than necessary to construct them.
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Reviewed by:  from USA. on 4/11/2021
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